Homeostasis Study Guide

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It can be very hard for someone who is fascinated by a topic to understand when or why a student does not think about that topic with curiosity and depth. Is it possible to merely memorize facts and not question them or link them or categorize them into a broader and more interesting understanding? Of course most of you KNOW that the answer is ‘Yes’ but it is at times hard to comprehend or teach around that realization.

  1. Study Guide Answers

Unit 1 – Introduction to Biology STUDY GUIDE. Give 3 examples of homeostasis in a human? STUDY GUIDE FOR HOMEOSTASIS TEST. A membrane that lets only certain things in and out. A molecule with a slight charge on either end; water is an.

Study Guide Answers

The second semester of A&P presents the opportunity for students to see repeat performances of osmosis, transport, chemical buffering, neurologic and endocrinologic response to stimulation or to distress all in an effort to maintain homeostasis. Or the ability to purchase and consume a milkshake – whichever comes first! Students who recognize patterns and understand processes as agents of change or homeostasis rather than just as lines on a flashcard to be memorized will come away with a better understanding of physiology. To encourage this deeper understanding in your students I suggest the following: 1) When discussing a particular response, chemical reaction, type of transport, or defense, always ask where the class has encountered this before. Help students see the patterns involved in physiologic activity and response.

2) Provide or point students to graphic organizers (links to follow) with the assignment or suggestion that they ‘map’ out homeostasis or the components thereof. A) At a basic level they can just keep a running list of where certain activities or reactions can be found, such as a list for osmosis; active transport; potassium-pump; specific buffering reactions; etc. B) At a more advanced level they can use a concept map to tie all of these lists back to homeostasis.

A concept map is great for brainstorming what you know and finding new links between things you know. A Multi-Layer Layout is great for organizing known information, or in this case continuing to add to a few categories with Homeostasis as the main idea and categories such as pH, oxygen level and ATP creation / usage at the next level. A Cause and Effect Map is just what it sounds like – a way to map out a chain of reactions or triggering events.

C) Remind students that their textbooks are usually set up with some sort of organization layout such as a multi-layer layout in the headings of the chapters and sections. Very often fonts and colors are used to designate where in an organizational schema the information under the heading lies. Students can increase their understanding of the information by paying attention to the hierarchical presentation of information in their textbook. And hopefully in your presentation (make sure your categories are clear in presentation!).

3) Help students continually ask ‘Why?’’ about processes and reactions. Why does the body respond in this way? How does it respond in this way?

What triggers the response? Is the response automatic or does the individual decide to engage it?

What are the consequences if the response does not take place? What would keep the response from taking place?

Author Posted on Categories, Tags,. Engaging activities to support your teaching of acid-base balance and homeostasis found below: 1) Human Demo of Osmosis 2) Buffer Ball (respiratory buffering system) 3) Homeostasis Activity 4) Song about homeostasis 1) Human Demo of Osmosis Preparation: Acquire a cubicle style divider, or several easels. Instruct 2/3 of the class to wear blue shirts and 1/3 to wear white shirts. The blue shirts are water molecules and the white shirts are the solute of your choice.

(Alternatively, have white and blue paper that can be taped onto shirts – but shirts are better – less trees!) Divide an open space in half by placing the divider perpendicular to the viewers. Place the divider at the front of the room (you could also use several large easels) leaving a space behind the divider or between dividers if you are using 2. Hang a sign on the divider facing the viewers: “Membrane” List on the blackboard how many blues and how many whites there are in total. Distribute the people unevenly. Announce how many of each (water vs.

Solute) there are on each side. Instruct them that only the water can move and must distribute itself so that it is in the same ratio to solute on both sides. You might choose to have a few students play director at a time – figuring out how to fix the ratio and sending people from one side of the membrane to the other. If you have time for several groups or all of the students to be the directors, it will facilitate everyone’s understanding. For added fun have the students vibrate and gently bounce off one another on their own side. On the 2nd or third attempt, when things are going a bit smoothly, video the entire production.

Then watch it as a class and discuss. OR put it on Blackboard and let them watch it there. If you watch it in class, you will probably have to watch it once without discussion to allow them to giggle and point end enjoy. Then watch again and review what is happening.

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2) BUFFER BALL (RESPIRATORY ACIDOSIS / BALANCE) Many students do not understand the chemistry involved in acid/base balance – buffering systems. Here’s a fun way to help them understand. I call it Buffer Ball: Get yourself 3 nerf balls (or other soft balls) of different colors. Designate the projectiles as H+, ‘combine,’ and ‘dissolve.’ Write on them if possible. Then have the students make themselves signs that include name and formula for other players in the buffer system: carbonic acid, bicarbonate, carbon dioxide and water. Designate an area of play.

Have some of the participants sit on the sidelines with a stack of signs so they can adopt molecular status as needed. Toss the balls to the players in the area of play.

Whoever catches a ball should react appropriately depending on the label of the ball. If they catch and react with an H+, then they should step to the sidelines and exchange places with a student wearing the appropriate sign for what they have become. The player who has just left the field of play then tosses the ball to someone else. If a player catches the ‘combine’ or ‘dissolve’ ball and can do so, they should either find another player with whom they can combine and together go to the sidelines so that the new molecule can take their place – OR, in the case of dissolve, go to the sidelines and have 2 people take their place with appropriate signs.

If the caught ball has no effect on the catcher, he or she should toss it to someone else in the field of play. There is room for a lot of variation and manipulation with this idea. You can flood the system with CO2 as if the person has COPD and hoards CO2, or you could reduce the amount of CO2 present as if the person is hyperventilating. You could establish the number of signs in a plausible ratio for a body with normal pH, or just play to give the students the idea of the chemistry involved and the constant shuffling that makes a buffer system work. 3) Homeostasis activity The following is a fun and valuable interactive illustration of the body working to maintain homeostasis in an ordinary college student’s day. The material is a little advanced as it asks what organs / body systems affect the changes required to maintain homeostasis, but it clearly illustrates how a body recognizes change and how systems are in place to bring the body back into safe parameters.

It also provides explanations and second chances to the user. This activity combines story-telling with A&P and the hero of the story is a college sophomore at the University of Wisconsin. 4) Homeostasis – song from “Groovin’ in the Hippocampus” You are welcome to play my songs in the classroom and to hand out or project the lyric sheet, but please do not make a song available to the students to download for free. They can download a copy from a link on the Author Posted on Categories Tags, Search for: Search Anatomy and Physiology Songs.

Homeostasis and negative feedback In a multicellular organism different parts of the body can perform different functions, and so some form of internal communication is needed to co-ordinate these different activities. The control system, (usually the brain), receives signals from internal and external receptors, responds to the signal and stimulates an effector to perform the appropriate action. The effector is usually a muscle or gland. Cells communicate either by electrical signals passed along nerve cells ( neurones), or chemically using hormones. This is called cell signalling. Homeostasis keeps the internal conditions relatively constant, even when the environmental conditions change, or the organism’s behaviour changes, (by increasing physical activity for example). Homeostasis can be described in three stages, which can simply be described as sensing, processing and responding.

A stimulus e.g. A change in temperature from a set ‘normal’ level is sensed by a receptor, either internal or external, and a nerve signal is then sent to the brain, which processes the information and the appropriate responses are put into action. The brain is not involved in some homeostatic mechanisms. Negative feedback is the process in which a change from the normal ‘set level’ starts changes that will return it to its original level. Control of blood glucose levels Glucose molecules are needed to release energy to living cells during respiration. If the blood glucose levels are too low then the central nervous system (which includes the brain) will malfunction causing coma, and if uncorrected, death.

If the levels rise too high then this can cause osmotic problems, resulting in cell dehydration. Glucose and water can be lost in the urine causing further problems. The concentration of glucose in the blood does not remain constant. After a meal the digested carbohydrates release glucose (and other monosaccharides) into the bloodstream.

Increased activity of the organism increases the rate of respiration, especially in muscle cells, and will decrease the glucose concentration. Blood containing high glucose concentrations will pass through the pancreas in which there are small groups of cells called the Islets of Langerhans. These contain two different types of cells, the alpha cells (a cells) and the beta cells (b cells). The beta cells respond by secreting the hormone insulin into the bloodstream and the alpha cells respond by stopping the release of the hormone glucagon.

The insulin reaches the cells of the body, especially muscle and liver cells, and binds to receptors in the cell surface. This causes an increased uptake of glucose from the bloodstream into the cells, (by causing more glucose transporter protein molecules to be moved from the cytoplasm into the plasma membrane), and the increased use of glucose in respiration. Insulin also activates enzymes, converting glucose into the polysaccharide glycogen (glycogenesis), which is mostly stored in liver and muscle cells (and stops the reverse reaction).

If blood glucose concentrations fall then the hormone glucagon is released from the alpha cells. This hormone activates enzymes in the liver, which convert the stored glycogen back to glucose (glycogenolysis). This raises the blood glucose concentration.

Glucagon can also stimulate the conversion of lipids and amino acids into glucose (gluconeogenesis). This raises the blood glucose concentration. Glucagon can also stimulate the conversion of lipids and amino acids into glucose (gluconeogenesis). Diabetes mellitus Type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent) is caused by destruction of the beta cells in the pancreas. The cells are destroyed by a faulty immune response (an auto-immune response). Symptoms include weight loss, thirst, dehydration, lethargy, high blood glucose concentrations ( hyperglycaemia) and glucose in the urine.

A carefully controlled diet and regular insulin injections are needed. Type 2 diabetes (non- insulin dependent) occurs when the target cells in the body fail to respond to insulin. Symptoms are similar to those for type 1 diabetes but are usually milder. Treatment takes the form of a diet with controlled carbohydrate levels and sometimes medication. Temperature control Enzymes need to be maintained at an optimum temperature if they are to work efficiently. Endothermic animals such as birds and mammals, can usually maintain their core temperature at an optimum level for enzyme activity.

This allows them to be active in a wide range of environmental temperature conditions. Ectothermic animals, such as snakes and lizards, have a body temperature that fluctuates with the external environment. This means their activity can be reduced in cold conditions since their enzyme-driven reactions are working very slowly. Ectotherms can regulate their temperature by various behavioural and some physiological methods such as basking, moving from land to water, changing the colour of their skin and orientating their body with respect to the sun. If the temperature of the blood rises in a mammal, this can be detected by thermoreceptors in the thermoregulatory centre of the hypothalamus of the brain.

This contains two control areas called the heat loss and the heat gain centres. The temperature being monitored is the core temperature, which should be around 37 degrees centigrade. As a result the heat loss centre sends nerve impulses to the arterioles in the skin and the sweat glands. The smooth muscles in the arterioles relax and this allows the arterioles to dilate ( vasodilation).

This allows more blood to flow in vessels closer to the skin surface so that heat can be radiated away from the blood and conducted to the air. The skin surface may appear pink due to the dilated vessels. The sweat glands secrete sweat, which evaporates from the skin surface. The energy needed to change the liquid water in the sweat to water vapour (latent heat of vaporisation) is absorbed from the skin, which therefore cools down. Behavioural mechanisms can also reduce temperature such as removing clothes, moving into the shade, inactivity and eating less hot food. If the external temperature falls then peripheral thermoreceptors in the skin can give an early warning to the hypothalamus before the core temperature falls. The hypothalamus can send signals along motor neurones to cause certain groups of muscles to contract and relax rapidly in a response we call shivering.

The contraction of the muscles needs the release of energy and this is supplied by respiration. During respiration heat energy is lost so shivering can supply heat energy to the muscles. Nerve impulses are also sent to the smooth muscles of the skin arterioles, causing them to constrict ( vasoconstriction) This narrows the arteriole lumen and causes the blood to flow in capillaries further away from the skin surface, resulting in less heat loss by radiation and convection. Sweating will decrease and the erector muscles attached to the base of skin hairs will contract, pulling the hairs upwards. This does little to keep humans warm but in hairier mammals it traps a layer of insulating air and stops heat from being conducted away.

Humans see this effect as ‘goose bumps’. Behavioural changes such as huddling, putting on extra layers of clothes and eating hot food and drink will also tend to raise falling core temperatures. Water balance In hot conditions a large amount of water is lost through sweating, as the body tries to cool the core temperature. If this is not replaced by drinking, the water content of the blood will fall and this can have serious consequences. The blood becomes more viscous and difficult to pump and the water potential of the tissue fluids becomes more negative.

Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus detect the fall in water concentration and cause Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) to be released by the pituitary gland. This acts on the kidney, causing more water to be reabsorbed from the collecting duct into the bloodstream. ADH secretion is inhibited when the water concentration is returned to normal (negative feedback).


If water concentration becomes too high then the kidney produces large amounts of dilute urine to return the concentration to the correct level.