Mary Hoffman Amazing Grace Study Guide
Book Summary The book Amazing Grace is about a young African-American girl named Grace. She has quite an imagination, and is always dressing up and playing pretend. One day in school, she learns that they will be performing the play Peter Pan. In her excitement, Grace offers to try out for the part of Peter. The students' reaction is less than supportive.
Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman. 7 Sisters Elementary Literature Activity Guide for Amazing Grace by Mary. Students are encouraged to further study topics.
Mary Hoffman Amazing Grace Series
One classmate says that she cannot play Peter because she is a girl. Another tells Grace she cannot be Peter because she is black. This does not dampen Grace's enthusiasm, and she works hard to try out for the play. With the support of her mother and grandmother, Grace earn the part in the play and put her famous imagination to work.
Her performance is loved by all. She know believes even more that she can do anything she sets her mind to, no matter what others say. These Amazing Grace lesson plans will help you to inspire your students with this wonderful book. Activities. After reading the book, begin the character study by discussing with the class what qualities they admire in Grace. Use chart paper to brainstorm a list of words that could be used to describe Grace. Help the class with any they may not know.
As you discuss these descriptive words, start a discussion about how difficult it would be to stand up to classmates, as Grace did. Encourage students to share situations when they may have felt pressure from classmates, and how did they handle it.
What would they have done if they were in Grace's situation? What strategies can students use if they find themselves in a similar situation?. Students can use the words they brainstormed to draw a picture of Grace. Have each student draw an outline of Grace and use the words they brainstormed to fill in the picture. They can use words to fill in strands of hair, outline her mouth, or as details on her clothes. They are using the words to help paint and complete the image of Grace.
Additional details can then be added or colored in with crayons or colored pencils. Use the descriptive word list for a lesson on. Choose some of the descriptive words on your class list and guide the students through writing analogies to describe Grace.
Example: Grace is like a star in the sky. We love to sit and watch her sparkle. The class can also write using the list of words.
They can then choose a simile or metaphor and draw a photo to accompany the phrase. Example: Grace was as brave as a warrior. Grace ends up playing the lead role in Peter Pan.
Ask students to pretend they are a critic. Give each a copy of. They should write an article about Grace's background and how they think the performance went. There is also a spot for them to add a photo of Grace.
Amazing Grace. Mary Hoffman is a beloved story that encourages students that they can do anything if they put their mind to it. This unit aligns with the book with activities, crafts, writing, teaching ideas, no prep printables, and more! This unit contains: Teaching Layout for 3+ Days Anchor Chart Examples plus pictures to create them for Vocab and Character Traits Color by Sight Word Sequence of Events Cut and Paste Sheet Graphic Organizer Character Traits for Grace Amazing Grace Craft and Writing with multiple writing options, including one for Understanding Characters or Summarizing I will be.
Craft and Writing to encourage students to believe in themselves by writing about something they will do. Amazing Grace Comprehension Tri-fold Letter to Grace Sheet Vocab Flash Card Activity for Students Terms Copyright © Emily Barnes of Emily Education. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original purchaser only.
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