Army Study Guide Personnel Recovery
AR 525-28 Personnel Recovery. This is the most up to date Army study guide on the Internet. The purpose is to help Soldiers become better educated and earn quicker Army promotions by assisting in not only their army educations but also their college educations as well. The source for Army Doctrine 2015, NCO 2020 and Doctrine 2020. The New Army Study Guide. This site contains questions and answers for Army boards. It has been designed to assist Soldiers in preparing for promotion boards and competition boards.
All the questions and answers are directly from Army publications and are designed in a way for Soldiers to learn these publications while also preparing for boards. It is also managed and updated frequently to keep up with changing army publications so please inform TOP if there is outdated material so that he can keep the material relevant and updated.
Also, Please do not hesitate to contact TOP if there is a board subject that you would like to see added. 6. Para 3-1 What provides Soldiers and DA civilians with the moral compass to guide their actions as an IP, and to survive and return with honor? A: The Warrior Ethos combined with the COC 7. Para 3-1 What is the Army PR program is designed to prevent or reduce? A: any strategic advantage our enemies may gain due to a tactical event involving the Isolation of Army personnel. 8. Para 3-1 Why is it more important now more than ever for the Army promote a robust PR program? A: to mitigate the risks of incidents that may result in an isolating event and to increase the chances of a successful recovery before personnel are detained or captured 9. Para 3-1 How does the Army define PR? A: as “The sum of military, diplomatic, and civil efforts to prevent or effect the recovery and return of U.S.
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Military, DOD civilians, and DOD contractor personnel, or other personnel as determined by the Secretary of Defense, who become IP in an operational environment.” 10. Para 3-1 When are Military, DOD civilians, and DOD contractors considered IP? A: if they have become isolated, missing, detained, or captured 11. Para 3-1 What are the sub-components that fall under the umbrella of PR? Combat Search and Rescue 3. Conduct After Capture 4. Unconventional Assisted Recovery 12. Para 3-2 Is PR considered a separate or distinct military operation? A: PR is not a separate or distinct operation; it is embedded in all operations 13. Para 3-3 Is there a “one stop shop” for PR education and training for commanders, staffs, and Soldiers? A: There is NO “one stop shop” for PR education and training for commanders, staffs, and Soldiers 14. Para 3-3 When will Soldiers be trained on PR?
A: Soldiers will be exposed to PR in basic training and then PR education and training will continue throughout a Soldier’s career 15. Para 3-3 What training forms the foundation of PR skills? A: the training that all Soldiers receive in weapons marksmanship, individual movement, land navigation, and communication 16. Para 4-1 Who is responsible to prepare unit personnel to survive isolating situations and recover those who are isolated? A: Commanders 17. Para 4-1 What three groups is PR education and training is developed for? Individuals 2. Units and Forces 3.
Commanders and Staffs 18. Para 4-2 What is the moral compass established to assist military personnel in combat or captivity as a Prisoner of War (POW) to live up to the ideals in the DOD policy? A: Code of Conduct (COC) 19. Para 4-2 Who established the COC in 1955? A: President Eisenhower 20. Para 4-2 When did President Eisenhower establish the COC? A: in 1955 21. Para 4-2 What does the COC outline for Soldiers?
A: It outlines basic responsibilities and obligations of members of the United States Armed Forces 22. Para 4-2 Who is expected to meet the standards the COC embodies? A: All members of the Armed Forces are expected to meet the standards the COC embodies 23. Para 4-2 What situations were the COC designed for? A: designed for evasion and POW situations 24. Para 4-2 Who should assume the leadership role in IP situations with Military, DOD civilians and contractors and why? A: Soldiers should assume the leadership role in these situations, using their skills to enable the survival of all personnel 25. Para 4-3 How many levels of COC training are there? A: Three 26. Para 4-3 Where are Commanders required to document the level of PR training for every Soldier? A: In the Digital Training Management System (DTMS) 27. Para 4-3 What are the three levels of COC training? Level A; the basic level of COC training 2.
Level B; the intermediate level of COC training 3. Level C; is an advanced level of COC training for those designated as high risk of isolation 28. Para 4-3 What are the key topics for training Commanders and staff? Army and Joint PR doctrine 2. Architecture, and Systems 3. Information and Mission Management 4.
Intelligence Support 5. Reintegration 29. Para 5-1 What is PR reintegration? A: Reintegration is the decompression/debriefing and reintegration of a returnee after an isolating incident 30. Para 5-1 What can PR reintegration minimize the potential of? Damaging effects of Post-Traumatic Stress 2. Family adjustment problems 3.
Exposure to the Mass Media and other social demands 31. Para 5-1 What are the two goals of reintegration? A: attend to the medical needs of the returnee and gather information about the event 32. Para 5-1 What are the debriefings that are required for reintegration process? A: 1. Tactical debriefing— used to gather time sensitive information. Intelligence debriefing— information that could affect current or future operations. PR debriefing— information used to capture lessons learned in order to develop SERE tactics, techniques, procedures, and training to better protect the force. Decompression debriefing— information used by the SERE psychologist to assist the returnee in normalizing an abnormal event.
Department of Justice debriefing— information used after a hostage event to prosecute criminals and protect United States personnel. NAR debriefing— information gathered by specially trained individuals involving specific procedures and techniques used for recovery operations 33. Para 5-1 What are the three phases of the reintegration process? A: 1. Phase I is the responsibility of the GCC and begins when the returnee first comes under United States military control. The primary focus is the medical and psychological care of the returnee and the tactical debriefing. This phase lasts between 12 and 48 hours depending on the circumstances of the isolation.
Phase II is the responsibility of the GCC and begins upon arrival to the designed theater transition point location. The focus of this phase is on the decompression and intelligence debriefings and can last up to 96 hours. Phase III is the responsibility of the Service and begins upon transfer to service control at the Phase II location. The focus of this phase is on the PR and Department of Justice debriefings.
There is no set time limit for this phase. Personnel complete Phase III based on the recommendations of medical and psychological professionals 34. Para 5-1 Who has the option of opting out of the reintegration process at any time? A: Army contractors and other designated personnel 35. Para 5-2 Who will USARSOUTH appoint as reintegration officer in charge to coordinate with the CMAOC in supporting the IP’s family? A: A Colonel 36. Para 5-2 Who will be the lead for all family matters during the reintegration process? A: The Casualty Assistance Officer (CAO) 37. Para 5-2 Where is the primary phase III reintegration location? A: Fort Sam Houston 38. Para 5-2 What is the time limit to phase III reintegration?
A: There is no time limit to Phase III reintegration. This phase of reintegration will be concluded when a determination is made by competent authority to declare the returnee is fit for duty, discharged, or retired 39. Para 6-1 What does the acronym ISOPREP stand for? A: Isolated Personnel Report 40. Para 6-1 What is the purpose of the ISOPREP?
A: It is a document that is used to verify the identity of an IP 41. Para 6-1 How are ISOPREP’s maintained? A: Electronically using Personnel Recovery Mission Software (PRMS). 42. Para 6-2 Who is required to complete a PRMS digital ISOPREP?
Army Study Guide Personnel Recovery
A: All Soldiers and Army civilians traveling outside the United States 43. Para 6-2 When must Soldiers and Army civilians review their ISOPREP? A: Soldiers and Army civilians shall review their ISOPREP within 90 days of traveling outside the United States 44. Para 6-3 What is the form that must be filled out to complete the ISOPREP process? A: DD Form 1833 45. Para 6-3 Who is required to verify that assigned or attached personnel have an electronic DD Form 1833 on file? A: PRMS managers.