Creo Weld Manual
Creo Weld Analysis Simulation. TUTORIAL 12: Simulation of Arc Welding Process and Weld Analysis. Apr 1, 2013 - Welding in Pro E (Creo 2). Answered with a tutorial: Upvote 21 Upvoted 22.
I'm evaulating Pro/E at the moment and would like some info on welding. On the face of it the welding looks quite promising. We produce manufacturing drawings with weld preps identified, does the welding process allow you to add parts already prepped or does it create the prep at the assembly/welding stage? I've noticed that there are welding processes? What are these,? Is it possible for me to identify our standard welding procedures as these welding processes?
I have to say, Pro/E certainly looks like a Unix based application, this won't affect long term use but does affect the evaluation process, and the help pages are extremely brief and can't really be used as a learning aid. RE: Welding (Mechanical) 10 Jun 05 09:54.
Creo Weld
Creo Weld Example
I'm struggling with one part of the welding process, selecting the elements to be welded. I assume that I select the elements on one part first, select done and then select the elements on the other part and select done. I have a bevelled edge to create a but weld, 37.5 degrees on each pipe face with a 1.5mm face at the ID. The seperation is 1.5mm. I have constrained the parts to align on the axes and have their mating faces offset by 1.5mm (root seperation). I select all the edges to weld on the first part, press done, select all the edges to weld on the second part, press done and often get the message 'Reference is to a packaged component'. The help file mentions options of 'Chain-Chain', 'Chain-Surf' and 'Surf-Surf' but the application provides options of 'Edge-Edge', 'Edge-Suf' and 'Curve-Curve' so obviously the help is a lot of use.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I do find the selection process in Pro/E confusing, it isn't like other software I've used, espacially as there is always two curved edges to a flat cylinder face.