Kinetico Model 30 Water Softener Manual

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List Of Devices No Longer Certified March 2008Culligan Premier Water Softener Soft-Minder 98 -1359 Culligan Premier Water Softener Time Clock 98 -1359 Culligan RV-1000 01 -1470 Model 30 92 -1076 Kinetico Water Conditioning System - Model 50 92 -1040 Kinetico Water Conditioning System - Model 50C 92 -1040.

How to Manually Regenerate or Cycle Your Kinetico Water Softener 1. The softener will then run a cycle for one of the tanks. This will usually take around 30-60. What Makes Your Kinetico Signature Series™ Water Softener Different 2. (19 to 30 minutes, depending on the model) to be sure both resin tanks are.

Hi all, have done some reading here and have learned somethings but have not come across someone with the same issue I am having. Hope you all can help out. We have a 4.5 year old Kinetico K-30. Well, it was a remanufactured K-30 4.5 years ago, I'm not sure of it's true age (tanks are brown). Last winter we started having instances of yellow water when the tub or sink was filled. I found that by running enough water through the system to get it to regenerate the problem went away for a while.

No rhyme or reason to when it came and went. Kinetico came out for a service call to look at it.

Their solution was that our hardness had increased and the softener could not keep up. $96 later they swapped the $4 disk on top (from 5-7). This did make a difference for a while but it's happening again. Needless to say I'm in no hurry to pony up another hundred bucks for something that doesn't seem to fix the problem. A couple of questions. How can I manually make the softener regenerate?

I dislike running all that water through it just to make it backwash. Any thoughts on what it could be and where I can find manuals for this? I'm pretty handy but my total lack of knowledge on this thing is driving me nuts!:-) Thanks for any help!

Kinetico Model 30 Water Softener Manual

Rainsoft Water Softener Manual

You may be mistaken about the age of your unit. Kinetico stopped using those tank around 1989. The resins may be fouled or the volume in one tank may be significantly less that the other but propably to original volume in both tanks are less than when originally set up. If the valve goes through its cycles, then rebed the unit with fresh resins (0.7 cuft per tank) and it should be good for another 20 years.

You may want to update the brine float as well if it is made of styrofoam for a plastic-cup type. Andy Christensen. Thank you both for the input. Been away for a few days and haven't been able to respond. So, sounds like resin may be bad. I talked with the installer when he was putting it in and he made mention off-hand that he thought the resin was replaced due to the color of the discharge water when he first ran it through it's cycles. If we assume that it was in fact new when installed and has now gone south, what can I do to prevent it from happening again a few years from now?

There is a sediment filter between the well tank and the softener. It's changed every few months. Back to changing the resin, is this just a matter of pulling the heads and pouring the old stuff out of the tanks and refilling? I checked the brine float and it is styrofoam.

Kinetico Water Softener Model 30 Manual

I'll add that to the list as well. Biermech, I'll shoot you a quick email for the manual. Thanks again!