Pokemon White 2 Guide

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Welcome to the Unofficial SuperCheats Walkthrough Guide for White 2! Considering that this will be the final video game in the game series for the Nintendo DS / DSi, as Nintendo has confirmed that the next games in the main series will be made exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS (the current generation of Nintendo's handheld gaming console), it feels almost like the end of an era. FYI the next titles in the main series are X and Pokemon Y, and the official announcement for both games was revealed in a worldwide announcement on January 8, 2013 made by Nintendo's Satoru Iwata, via the Nintendo Direct program (video announcements that are tailored for gamers and sent directly to their game consoles). While the details about the next pair in the main series were fairly thin at the time of the official announcement, among the information that was shared included the stunning news that the games will be sold in the traditional retail boxed version and in a new digital download format allowing gamers to directly download the titles to their 3DS consoles. The games will be fully-3D-enabled, and while there was no official word passed with respect to the total of new to be included in the games, during the announcement Satoru did offer five new Pokemon including the three Starter Pokemon and two. The three starter are Chespin (Grass Type), Fennekin (Fire Type), and Froakie (Water Type), while the are Xerneas (the “X” in the game name Pokemon X), and Yveltal (the “Y” in the game name Pokemon Y).

What is even more interesting and unusual about this next generation of games is that for the first time ever in the history of the series the games will be released simultaneously worldwide. Traditionally the new games in the Pokemon series were released in Japan and then, eight months to a year later, were released in North America and Europe. Releases to the rest of Asia and Australasia as well as South America tended to take place a little later than those for the rest of the world.

Guide For Pokemon White 2

Dec 2, 2012 - Welcome to Marriland's Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Walkthrough! This strategy guide is designed to help guide you through Pokemon Black. Pokemon Black 2 wiki at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies.

Claiming a Wondercard Event Pokemon Black & White and Black 2 & White 2 The release of Black 2 and White 2 represents a very significant departure from the well established and traditional game structure for the series, as for the first time in the main series a major pairing of titles has been released as a continuation of the previous story in place of the traditional third title that ties the first two games together. The recent announcement of the next generation of games came without there being an announcement for a joining title, so it seems that the Black and White generation of the series may be the first to not receive the traditional joining title after all. When Black and White were launched, trainers were introduced to the new Region, as well as an all new Pokemon collection that in addition to offering new and original Pokemon, also offers players a wide variety of Pokemon from previous generations and regions, which makes Unova even more unique. With the new region comes new environments featuring elements that are unique to the game and new to players. While Black and White gave players a satisfying in the region, pitting them against a worthy foe in the form of Team Plasma, who by the end of Black and White it seemed that we had fully defeated, destroying their plans for domination of the region and perhaps making a friend (or at least not an enemy) of the special trainer that was at the heart of the Team Plasma effort if not as their leader (which he was not) but perhaps more a willing if ignorant victim. The that is Black 2 and White 2 returns to the region – and a big deal has been made out of this second adventure in Unova primarily because this is the first time that a region has been featured so prominently in one of the games in this manner – but the Unova region that we find ourselves returning to is a very much changed Unova! In the two years that have passed since the adventures that we had in Back and White the world in the region has changed considerably, and while some of the cities and towns appear to be very familiar to veterans of the first set of games, others stand out as radically changed.

In addition to that, we start these new games in the role of a completely new and untested trainer who, like the trainer character protagonists that we have played in the past, has set out for his Trainer journey and rite of passage with his goal being to become a Master of Pokemon by winning all of the Gym Badges, and then take on the Elite Four in order to be eligible to take on the Unova Regional Champion and, with a bit of luck and a lot of skill, take their place as Pokemon Champion! The new trainer character this new in a new town – one that may have existed two years before but that for whatever reason did not have connectivity to the mainlaind and the cities of. Well, now it does, and situated on the opposite side of the large bay along the coast from the starting town of the previous games (which for some odd reason do not have connectivity straight away in THIS adventure). In addition to the new starting town and areas, the games include a handful of additional new areas, and the for the have been altered, placing most of the Legendary on the move rather than simply relocated.

Pokemon White 2 Guide

While most of the previously established towns and cities make a return in the games, the passage of time combined with a fickle economy has lead to some significant changes, with the most major of these taking place in the city of Driftveil, where the Warehouse District has been replaced with the new World Tournament facilities! Minor changes have taken place in other cities and towns as well, most notably the building retasking in Opeludic City, the newness of and your Mall Promotion efforts there, and significant changes to both Black and White City. As for the rest of the changes they are mostly superficial and vibe based, save for minor changes to the routes and some side areas that are no longer accessible as they were in the previous games.

It's Still The philosophy behind the series has always been to mix together a story with the overall goals to both Catch 'Em All and become the League Champion, and those traditions are maintained in these new games, but with the addition of a large amount of all new content, including interactive and online modes, and a slight change in the focus for game play. As you leave home and follow the traditional path towards becoming an adult, and a Trainer, you suddenly find yourself enmeshed in an that was not of your choosing! A nefarious group called Team Plasma has appeared on the scene, a group that you seem to recall were defeated by the current Regional Champion two years before – but hey you were just a little kid then, so it is OK if you are a little fuzzy on the details, right?

In any event this Team Plasma organization has returned, or what is more likely never left in the first place, but was driven underground by their previous setbacks, but now they are back and what is worse, they seem to have technology and weapons that they did not have before! The story and your efforts to deal with Team Plasma take center stage in the game, and though you still work towards building your team, catching to add to the you agreed to help fill, and earning the odd Gym Badge, all of that takes a backseat to dealing with the damage that Team Plasma is doing in – and to – the region. But don't worry because along the way you get some help from some unexpected allies. In other words it just gets better and better.

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