Wilton Drill Press 2550 Repair Manual
Read and understand the entire owners manual before attempting assembly. And 20-Inch 12-Speed Drill Presses, Models J-2500, J-2530 and J-2550. Models: J-2500, J-2530, J-2550. If one of our tools needs service or repair, please contact. Limited Lifetime – JET Parallel clamps; VOLT Series Electric Hoists; Manual Hoists; Manual Hoist. The JET 15-Inch 16-Speed Drill Presses and 20-Inch 12-Speed Drill Presses, Models J-2500, J-2530 and J-2550. EBooks Wilton Drill Press 2550 Repair Manual are currently available in various formats such as PDF, DOC and ePUB which you can directly download.
Can anyone provide some input on these machines? I've mainly been looking at the Wilton 2550. I like this drill because it has a low rpm of 150 and a high rpm of 4200, which makes it useful for many applications.
I also like the large T-slotted table. Jet has an equivalent model. I think the only difference is the design of the table. The drill will be used in my part time machine shop.
It won't see heavy daily production use, and I want to be able to easily move it around the shop to different work areas. It will mainly be used for drilling smaller holes of 1/2' and less. Ocasionally, I will need to drill holes over 1/2'.
I'll probably also use it fairly often with a Tapmatic tapping head. My concern, of course, is the quality. Is this a tyical Chinese drill press that rattles and shakes when you turn it on? From the few pieces of Wilton machinery that I've seen, it appears that the fit and finish is better than other Asian machines such as Grizzly.
However, I don't know if they are really any better, or if it's just a shinier paint job. I've looked at many older American drill presses over the past several months. It seems like most of them that I find will need to be at least partially rebuilt. In many cases, new parts would not be easily purchased because the mfr has long been out of business. Parts are still available for some Clausings, but any of those drills in good condition bring well over $2000. Any feedback on these machines would be helpful, as would suggestions for other brands. Thanks Brian.
I just picked up a dayton 6w281 (grainger price $1553)at auction that had been dropped and knocked the handles off of. Fairly well constructed (and very heavy ) but I haven't plugged it in yet. From what I can see the spindle retract spring setup/depth stop is plastic garbage but the rest of it looks OK, probably not 700$ or so better than the wilton! I have a small variable speed wilton (with the vertical speed indicator) that is very nice, but it does not have a crank table lift which to me is indespensable, and the speed does not go below 400rpm, which is also a big disadvantage.
I think some of the chinese ones are actually OK, but you may need to do a little work on them to get them up to snuff, like replacing handwheels with some nice ones so the plating doesn't come off in your hands! Looking up the Wilton 2550 model at WMH Group gives surprisingly few details. It has a 1 1/2HP motor and a 5/8 chuck. Spindle travel is only 3 & 3/8 inches, which is not very much. No details on column diameter, nor on which MT in the spindle. Clearly they market it as a light to medium duty drill press designed to drill holes up to 5/8'.
I suppose you could drill larger holes with taper shank drills, but probably not too much larger than the chuck size they supply. The larger table would be nice to use, but It appears to be just a little heavier duty than the price point 12 to 15 speed drill presses everyone sells. Clearly made in either Taiwan or China, rather than in the US, or Sweden, as their heavy duty models are. If it suits your needs, then there is probably not much difference between the Jet and the Wilton.
If you use the search feature you can find many previous comments regarding Wilton and Jet DP's. I have a 20 inch Jet DP, model JDP-20MF. It is a current production machine. Specs are on the Jet web site. I bought it used, in practically like-new condition and thought I was getting a decent DP. It looks much better on paper than in use.
I am looking to ditch it and get a good old US made machine in its place. Had I been aware of the problems, I would have never bought it. Problems with it are numerous.
The table is very rough and anything but flat. Evidently it was machined with a broken off tool bit.
The warpage of the table makes it impossible for a DP vise to sit flat on the table without rocking all the time. Highly annoying to say the least. The table crank mechanism is poorly made and always seems on the verge of self destructing at any moment. No quill lock.
Wilton Drill Press 2550 Parts
That is a PITA, especially when trying to remove MT shank drill bits. Supplied chuck (on a #3 Morse taper shank) is junk due to excessive run-out, about.022 thou as I recall. The quill has so much lateral slop that locating holes is a very iffy prospect at best. Electrical controls are cheap plastic that feel like they are going to break at any moment. Speed range is nice but there is inadequate torque. If you are drilling wood, it is ok, but forget drilling larger diameter holes in metal unless you don't mind pecking away all day.
Gene ral Specific ation s. 3 W arnin gs. 4 Gene ral Electrica l Cautions.
5 Safety Instructions for Drill Presses. 5 Int rod uct ion.
6 Setu p and O pera tion. 6 Ope rati on. 7 Dril lin g Spe ed Gui de. 1 1 Mai nte nan ce. 1 1 Wiring Diagra m.
13 T rou ble sho ot ing. 14 Repl acem ent Parts. Model Type.15-Inch Floor. 15-Inch Bench.20-Inch Floor Drilling Capacity Cast Iron. Up to 5 /8 In. Up to 5 /8 In.
Up to 3/ 4 In. Up to 1 /2 In. Up to 1 /2 In. Up to 5 /8 In. Drill to C enter. 15 Inch es. 15 Inche s.20 Inches Motor Rati ng.
1/2 hp, 1-Phase. 1/2 hp, 1-Phase.1 hp, 1-Phase RP M. 172 5 Pre-w ired Vol tage. 1 15 V Column Di ameter.
2-7/ 8 I n.3-5/8 In. Quill Diamete r. 1-7/ 8 In.2-1/4 In.
Tr ave l. 3-3/ 8 In.4-3/4 In. Table Overa ll. 10 x 10 In. 10 x 10 In.
18-1/2 x 16 -1/2 In. Working Surface. 10 x 10 In. 10 x 1 0 In. 14 x 16 Tr ave l. 32-3/ 8 In.
32-3/ 8 In.32-3/8 In. Base Size. 11 x 19-1/2 In. 1 1 x 18-1/2 In.22-3/4 x 17-3 /4 In. Working Surface. Chuck Size.5/8-In., K ey Chu ck. 5/8-In., K ey Chu ck.
Overall Dimensions Len gth. 34-1/ 4 In.36-5/8 In. Heigh t. 63-1/4 In.82-1/4 In. Spindle to T able (M ax.).
32-3/8 In. Spindle to C olumn (Max.).10-7/16 I n. 10-7/ 16 In.10-7/16 I n. Spindle T o Base.
43-1 /2 T aper. MT -3 RPM ( 12 Spee ds). 250, 340, 390. 250, 340, 390.150, 26 0, 3 00, 5 1 0, 6 0 0, 6 5 0, 5 1 0, 6 0 0, 6 5 0, 4 4 0, 4 9 0, 5 4 0, 9 9 0, 1 5 5 0, 1 6 2 0, 9 9 0, 1 5 5 0, 1 6 2 0, 1 1 5 0, 1 5 5 0, 1 8 4 0, 1 9 0 0, 2 6 2 0, 3 1 0 0 1 9 0 0, 2 6 2 0, 3 1 0 0 2 2 2 0, 2 9 5 0, 4 2 0 0.