Detective Training Manuals

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. Back to Seattle Police Manual Preface This Manual sets forth the standards, values, and expectations of the Seattle Police Department. Its policies, procedures, core values, and mission and priority statements exist to maintain high levels of professional conduct and are the embodiment of the Department’s concerns for ensuring effective, safe, and constitutional law enforcement. The Manual is intended to provide specific guidance and to serve as a reference to employees of the Seattle Police Department. It is the responsibility of each member of the Department to comply with the Manual’s rules and provisions. To the extent that Department policy may contain provisions more restrictive than state or federal law, such provisions are not intended, nor may they be construed or applied, to create a basis for liability against the City or any of its employees.

Detective Training Manual Powerpoint

Jan 20, 2015 - relevance of materials, products, subject matter, and/or services as. Students can complete basic Private Investigator training through either a.

Homicide detective training

Finally, the written publications of the Department are only a part of the direction provided to employees. Communication that is directive in nature from supervisory or management personnel has the same authority as any written policy.

Detective training manual police

The Seattle Police Department Manual is maintained by the Bureau of Compliance & Professional Standards. Mailing Address: Seattle Police Department Compliance Section 610-5th Ave P.O. Box 34986 Seattle WA.