Group Number Reference Guide For Gm Parts

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Obsolete part search This cross-reference search will assist you in finding Analog Devices products that are equivalent, similar, substitute or alternate replacement to other Analog Devices products or products of other manufacturers. How Can You Find a GM Part Number? The number printed on most GM parts is a casting number and not. Is There a Quick Reference Guide for Delco Remy Part. Parts were input to our database by model name, such as Corvette or Chevelle. Using Adobe Reader gives you the ability to search the document using keywords, such as the part number, group number or model name. Just type the keyword into the “find” box on the Adobe toolbar, then hit enter.

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The “Part Group to Labor Operation Guide” is a valuable time saver. The GM claim payment system is set up to pay by Part Group Number. When a claim is submitted to GM, the part number is converted to a group number before being compared to the parameter table that verifies that the chosen labor operation is compatible to the part. Using the Part Group to Labor Operation Guide is simple.

SerialGroup Number Reference Guide For Gm PartsReference

Us Army Ww1 Serial Number Reference Guide

Prior to looking up a labor operation, obtain the part group number for the failed part(s). It is either listed on the invoice copy of the repair order or may be obtained from the parts department. Next, locate the proper column listing the part group number in the Part Group to Labor Operation Guide to locate a valid labor operation. If more than one labor operation number is listed, then review each operation’s description and labor time in the Labor Time Guide. Select the operation that best describes the work that was performed.

If no operation exactly fits, then choose the closest number and make a notation on the repair order: “closest to operation.” For difficult labor-only claims, work with the technician and the parts department to identify a “failed part.” Cross reference the group number of the part that was adjusted or repaired to more easily identify the proper operation to use. Part Group to Labor Operation Guide data is generated from our warranty claims administration database. The labor operations are only included within the guide if we have administered and received reimbursement for our customers a minimum of five times. This guide may help you avoid returns and assist you with choosing the operation number that pays exactly what the technician is entitled to. Up-to-date information. Search by Part Group Number.

Search by Labor Operation Number Use this guide to accurately locate the correct labor operation number for the repair performed. First, before you look up a labor operation, contact the parts department and obtain the part group number for the failed part(s). Make a notation of the group number to the left of the part. Note: You may want to ask your parts manager for a 'Parts Price Schedule' to save time.

Bayliner Serial Number Reference Guide

Next, locate the proper column listing the part group number in the guide to locate a valid labor operation. If more than one labor operation number is listed, then review each operation's descriptions and times in the LTG and choose the operation that best describes the work that was performed. If no operation fits, then choose the closest number and make a notation on the repair order: 'closest operation number chosen.' Also, do this on labor-only claims when necessary.