Mitel 3300 System Administration User Guide

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This is a demo by ComRes on the Mitel 3300. Mitel Basic Administration. How to setup automatic call distribution for the Mitel 5000 Phone System. Mitel M695 Programmable Key Module. Your System Administrator has the ability to customize many. Mitel MiVoice 6920 IP Phone User Guide. Mitel® 5320/5330/5340 IP Phone User Guide. Necessary, contact your system administrator for assistance before connecting your phone to the centralized power.












140 EXTENSIONS SETTINGS OPTIONS WITH A T1 /E1 PRI MODULE INSTALLED. 140 LINES SETTINGS OPTIONS. (as determined by the total RENs) contact the local telephone company.

If this equipment MITEL 3000 causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice isn't practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. CUSTOMER OWNED COIN/CREDIT CARD PHONES To comply with state tariffs, the telephone company must be given notification prior to connection. In some states, the state public utility commission, public service commission or corporation commission must give prior approval of connection.

Perform such activities in the off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evenings. Toll Restriction and Least Cost Routing Equipment The software contained in Mitel 3000 to allow user access to the network must be upgraded to recognize newly established network area codes and exchange codes as they are placed into service. Equipment with Fax The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for any person to use a computer or other electronic device, including fax machines, to send any message unless such message clearly contains in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page or on the first page of the transmission, the date and time it is sent and an identification of the business or other entity, or other individual sending the message and the telephone number of the sending machine or such business, other entity, or individual. Administrator’s Manual Digital Equipment An affidavit is required to be given the telephone company whenever digital terminal equipment without encoded analog content and billing protection is used to transmit digital signals containing encoded analog content which are intended for eventual conversion into voiceband analog signals and retransmitted on the network.

(circle one) above. I agree to provide to demonstrate compliance with the information as provided in the proceeding paragraph, if so requested. Signature Title County of (name) (telephone number) being duly sworn, state: (Telco's name) with proper documentation (Telco. Mitel 3000 Administrator’s Manual Date Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of, 20 Notary Public My commission expires. Administrator’s Manual SAFETY REGULATIONS Important Safety Instructions When using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and injury to persons, including the following: Read and understand all instructions.

Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product. If the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged. If the product exhibits a distinct change in performance. Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There can be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.

The Mitel 3000 can accommodate up to 20 Central Office (CO) Lines. The Mitel 3000 can be equipped with a T1 module providing up to 24 T1 or 23/30(E1) Primary Rate ISDN channels.

The Mitel 3000 is modular in construction. It is upgraded by adding various system modules. CO lines DSL Interface T1/E1 interface Internal LAN 10/100 Base T Feature Phone Standard telephones extension Hybrid s – Feature Phone or standard analog telephone IP Extensions/SIP VoIPLines extension Programming (via digital telephone setFeature Phone) extension Operator Headset operation extension. Administrator’s Manual USING THIS GUIDE This Administrator’s Manual is your guide to using the Mitel 3000 system. It also explains how to program system settings using a Feature Phone.

In describing the various system features, dialing codes are given which are used to activate features with standard analog phones. They are equipped with a data port, positioned on the left-hand side of the phone. This data port is used primarily for a PC modem. System settings are also programmed via a digital telephone. The eight key Feature Phone has eight programmable keys, which are pre-programmed to access CO lines, and four function keys that group frequently used features. Mitel 3000 Administrator’s Manual Sixteen Key Feature Phone with DSS Mute Key Speaker Key/Light Handset Data Socket and Headset Socket (underneath) Programmable Keys Sixteen Key Feature Phone Handset Data Socket and Headset Socket (underneath) Numeric Keypad Volume Keys Clear Display Keys.

To adjust the Feature Phone Pedestal. The pedestal can be mounted on two locations on the base of the telephone. The locations provide two angles 20 or 35-degrees.

To remove the pedestal, press the clip down as shown. Administrator’s Manual Using the Feature Phone Display The Feature Phone display presents prompts and information. It also provides selectable options to assist in activating features.

Prompts and Information. Prompts tell you what action to take, or warn of an incorrect action. For example, an attempt to access the System Programming menus from the wrong extension will result in the prompt “Programming refused”. Using the Display Keys to Select Menu Options The six display keys, located on each side of the display, are pressed to select the options shown on the display. This will either activate a feature, cause another menu to be displayed, or select an item from a list. “Line”, the first key with Line 1, the second with Line 2, etc. Pressing line key 1 selects the first line, returning a dial tone and allowing you to dial an external telephone number.

The line keys incorporate a light, which is lit on all Feature Phone when the associated line is selected. A connector marked “Data Port” is provided on the left-hand side of the Feature Phone. It is designed to allow modems to be connected in parallel with the phones. Although you can connect telephone sets to the port their operation is limited.

Calls can be made and answered. However it is not possible to transfer calls from a phone connected to the dataport. Administrator’s Manual CUSTOMIZING YOUR FEATURE PHONE The PROGRAM key accesses the options available to customize your Feature Phone settings. To Change the Language on Your Phone Each extension can select the display prompts to be in English, French or Spanish. Headset Mode When a headset is plugged in to the headset socket, it is automatically detected and the option to turn the headset mode on is displayed on the display. You can also turn headset mode on and off via the PROGRAM key. The IP Phones provide the same functionality as the Feature Phone.

It can be connected directly to the Mitel 3000 system or installed at a remote location and connected to the system via the Internet. When connected remotely, it retains all the functionality and features of an extension directly connected to the system.

Feature Access Codes List To use a feature, dial the appropriate code from the list below. If your telephone is equipped with memory keys, you can program feature codes onto the keys (refer to your telephone user guide for instructions). Dial the telephone number you require. Digits are sent to the line as they are dialed on CO Lines and T1 channels. If the switch is equipped with Primary Rate ISDN dial # after entering the last digit to send the digits immediately or wait for 3 seconds. Lift the handset and dial the extension number. The display will show the extension number, or, if programmed, the extension name.

From a standard analog telephone, go off-hook and dial the extension number. To make an internal call with Automatic Line selection programmed: 1. Lift the handset and dial the group number (180 - 199). From a standard analog telephone, go off-hook and dial the group number (180 - 199).

Programming and Dialing Speed-Dial Numbers You have access to a Personal Speed-Dial List of up to 30 numbers and a System Speed-Dial List of up to 500 numbers. Dial the location (01 - 30) of the number. The number is automatically dialed. Note: By dialing the code 74 from a digital telephone the Scroll Up and Down keys can be used to view all the locations in location sequence.

Lift the handset. Press the speakerphone key. From a standard analog telephone, lift the handset when the phone is ringing. Ignoring Calls Ringing Your Phone You can ignore an internal or external call ringing your phone. You can do one of the following:. Replace the handset. You can continue to use your telephone.

The held call will recall after 90 seconds provided your telephone is idle. If you are busy on the telephone after the 90 seconds, the call will ring when the handset is replaced. Administrator’s Manual. When the call is answered, press “Transfer”. From a standard analog phone, press the Hookflash key, dial a line access code (9, 760-769) and when dial tone is returned dial the second number.

When the call is answered replace the handset. Note: Transferring an external call to an external number ties up two CO lines.

RE-DIRECTING CALLS This allows you to forward a call that is ringing at your Feature Phone. To Re-Direct a Call Ringing at Your Extension. When a call is ringing at your Feature Phone, select “Re-Direct the call” on the display. Administrator’s Manual Follow Me The Follow Me feature allows you to set a call forward to another extension after you have left your extension. From the Feature Phone answering the calls, press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “Forward” is displayed. Enter an internal number if you want to forward all your calls to another extension. Enter 9 or 760 - 769 followed by an external number if you want to Forward calls to an external number.

A programming option is available to allow both internal and external calls (or external calls only) to be forwarded externally. Administrator’s Manual GROUP FORWARDING This feature allows any extension within a group to forward calls for that group. When a forward for the group is set, any call for that group will be forwarded. Calls to individual extensions in the group are not forwarded. CONFERENCE CALLS This feature allows you to set up a three-way conversation between three extensions, or between two extensions and a CO line, or between two CO lines and an extension. To Set Up an Internal Conference.

When on a call, press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “Internal Conference” is displayed. Administrator’s Manual HANDSET MONITOR When you are on a call using the headset the handset receiver is also turned on. If you wish to disable this facility unplug the handset when the headset is installed INCOMING CALL HANDLING Calls can be programmed to ring Individual Extensions, a Ring Group, a Hunt Group, Auto-Attendant or Courtesy Service. Now we need to program a Line to call this Hunt Group. Timers to adjust are Forward No Answer (15 seconds) and Hunt Group Timer (15 seconds). The way Mitel 3000 will handle this call is: The call will ring first extension on the group. When the Hunt Group Timer expires it will go to the second extension on the group.

Administrator’s Manual EXTENSION GROUPS Group Programming This option is used to allocate extensions to groups and to designate the type of group: a Ring group or hunt group. When a group is programmed, it can be associated with lines, Caller ID numbers and the Door Phone. OUTGOING GROUPS To Program Lines into Groups for Access using the Codes 9 or 760 - CO lines can be grouped together in up to 11 outgoing groups.

Each outgoing group is associated with a code. These codes are 9 or 760 - 769, with group 1 being associated with 9, etc. Dialing a code selects a line from the associated outgoing group.

Administrator’s Manual To Set the Automatic Start and End Times for Night Service The Automatic “Night Service” feature allows you to set two time bands in each twenty-four hour interval; the system then automatically enters “Night Service”. From the Programming extension, press the PROGRAM key. Mitel 3000 Administrator’s Manual AUTO-ATTENDANT The Auto-Attendant feature allows callers to ring directly through to an extension provided that they know the extension number of the person they wish to contact. A Voice Module must be installed for this feature to operate.

All the stations of this group will show the led message indication ON. To program the Mitel 3000 with this feature: Enable mailbox Group 20 (199) Forward all calls of this group to 710 which is the code for voice mail 2.

Auto-Attendant Programming Auto-Attendant can be enabled on a line-by-line basis from the programming extension. If a call is received on an Auto-Attendant line when the voice mail system is busy, the call will ring as a normal call. If the voice mail system becomes free before the call is answered, the Auto-Attendant feature is activated, the call is automatically answered and the Auto-Attendant message is returned. Administrator’s Manual To Change the Ringing Time before Calls Hear the Auto-Attendant Greeting You can change the time that a call will ring before being automatically answered by the Auto-Attendant.

A different time can be set for day and night modes as follows:. COURTESY SERVICE This service is available, with a standard greeting, on all systems.

If the system is equipped with a Voice Module, you can customize the greeting. When the Courtesy Service feature is activated on a CO line, callers to the system are answered automatically after a programmable period, a message is returned to the caller and the internal phone or phones continue to ring. Administrator’s Manual Press the speakerphone key to finish programming. To Change the Courtesy Language. From the Programming extension, press the PROGRAM key.

Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “System Programming” is displayed. Select “System Programming”. The Directory greeting is returned. “Using the keys on your telephone please spell the last name of the person and then press pound.

For the letter Q press seven for the letter Z press nine. To exit the directory press star”. # if the name is correct. The user can repeatedly press 2 to step forward through a number of names. If 3 is pressed the message “Using the keys on your telephone please spell the last name of the person and then press pound.

Select the “Directory Table” option. Select the extension and enter the name. Use the keypad to enter the last name using 2 to enter A, 22 to enter B etc. A maximum of ten letters can be entered for each name. Full names need not be entered. Matching will take place on the number, from one to ten, of the letters entered.

Administrator’s Manual VOICE MAIL Voice mail services are available only on those systems equipped with the optional voice mail module. Up to 40 extensions can be allocated voice mailboxes.

The 20 ring groups can also be allocated voice mailboxes. A further 10 mailboxes, not associated with extensions or groups, can also be programmed. These are called Phantom mailboxes and can be used for people who do not have a dedicated extension. Press “Confirm”. Press the speakerphone key to finish programming.

From a standard phone dial 9 to select the greetings. Dialing 1 selects the primary greeting and dialing 2 selects the alternate greeting. When a greeting is selected dial 1 to change the greeting and speak to record the greeting when prompted. If a greeting is deleted the default greeting is used. Administrator’s Manual. Select “Forward to VM” or enter 710 as the extension number. If “Forward On No Answer” is activated to 710, the voice mailbox will answer calls unanswered after four rings.

If “Forward When Busy” is activated to 710, calls you cannot receive will be answered by the voice mailbox. To Access Voice Mailboxes. Press the MESSAGE key. Select “Voice Messaging”. Enter your extension number (which is your voice mailbox number). Enter your voice mail password (1111 by default) followed by #.

You are presented with the Voice Messaging Control Menu. The options displayed are “Play”, “Erase All Messages”, “Greeting”, “Change Password”, “Monitor”, “Record Name”, “Remote Notification”. Administrator’s Manual Return Call The Return Call feature allows you to initiate a call to the caller who left a message in your voice mailbox.

When you have listened to a message in the voice mailbox select the “Return Call” option. Then dial the following numbers to access your messages: While listening to the Greeting.

Dial 1 Playback commences at the first message. Dial 2 For more information.

Dial 41 Turn remote notification on. Dial 42 Turn remote notification off. Administrator’s Manual REMOTE NOTIFICATION OF VOICE MESSAGES When a user turns remote notification on, a call will be made to the personal or pager number programmed by the user to notify them that they have received a new voice mail message.

The user can set up remote notification to notify them of all new messages or only those marked as priority by callers to their voice mail. Setting up Remote Notification to a Pager To program a pager to receive the remote notification call two numbers must be programmed, the number to contact the pager company and the digits that are sent to the pager company once they have answered the call (dial string). Administrator’s Manual. Select “Retry attempts”.

Enter the value from 2 to 15 and press “Confirm”. The default value is set at 2. Selecting the Line Group that the Remote Notification calls are to use The outgoing line group to be used for remote notification calls can be changed. To Check All Voice Mail Passwords All voice mail extension voice mail Passwords can be examined from the programming extension. From the Programming extension, press the PROGRAM key. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “System Programming” is displayed.

Administrator’s Manual Voice Mail Language Three language options are provided for the voice mail: English, French and Spanish. From the Programming extension, press the PROGRAM key. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “System Programming” is displayed. Note: If a call is received when the Voice Module storage is full, it will not be possible to store any further messages. In this case, the following standard greeting will be given to the caller: “There is no one available to answer your call at this time. FAX LINE / EXTENSION If your Mitel 3000 is equipped with standard CO lines, and you wish to use a fax machine, it is recommended that one of the CO lines is allocated as a fax line with the number publicized accordingly.

System Administration Management System

Select the number to be dialed. From a standard analog telephone, the codes are 781 - 785 are dialed for saved numbers 2 - 6. The first saved number is the Last Number Redial Code 77. Note: By dialing the code 78 from a Feature Phone, the Scroll Up and Down keys can be used to view the saved numbers. To pick up a call that is on hold in line 2, dial #502 from the extension you want to pick the call from.

Note: If the Mitel 3000 is in PBX mode, this feature will not work. To Pick up an External Incoming Call.

Select one of the options presented on the display. Note: If you ignore the Call Waiting tone for a short period, the Call Waiting offer is rejected and the calling telephone is presented with the message “Call Waiting Rejected”. Call Waiting from External Calls If you are on a call and your extension is presented with an external call, you will hear a call waiting tone provided your extension is not protected against call waiting tones. Administrator’s Manual From a standard analog telephone, “Barge-In” is activated by dialing the code 709 followed by the extension number. To Program extensions allowed to barge-in In default no extensions are programmed to activate “Barge-In”. From the Programming extension, press the PROGRAM key. Operator Services You can choose to use an operator with the Mitel 3000 telephone system.

For example, the operator can transfer internal and external callers to internal extensions. To call the operator. Dial the code (0) for the operator’s extension.

If you subscribe to the Caller ID service, your telephone company sends the telephone number of callers to the Mitel 3000 (provided the caller has not elected to restrict the network from presenting their number). The telephone number (or associated name) is displayed on the Feature Phone. The Caller ID information is also shown if the extension is equipped with a standard phone, which supports the Caller ID service. The Caller ID List automatically stores information about the last 430 unanswered calls to the system (answered calls can also be stored). The information stored is the caller telephone number, the name of the caller if on speed dial list and the date and time of the call. Information is not stored for calls that are withheld or unavailable numbers.

Press the speakerphone key to finish programming. PAGING You can connect a Public Address (PA) amplifier to any extension on your Mitel 3000. Users can then make announcements over the PA.

A PA answer feature allows a user to respond directly to the paging extension without having to know the extension number. To Program an Extension for use with a Public Address Amplifier An extension with a Public Address amplifier connected must first be programmed for use with a PA amplifier. From the programming extension, press the PROGRAM key. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “System Programming” is displayed. Administrator’s Manual To make an Announcement over a Public Address System If there is a Public Address (PA) system connected to your Mitel 3000, any extension can make an announcement over the PA system. From the Idle Menu, press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “Paging” is displayed.

Single Extension Page The Single Extension Page feature allows you to call and speak over the speaker of an individual Feature Phone. If the Feature Phone is page-protected the call will fail. From the Idle Menu, press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “Single Extension Page” is displayed. It is on steadily when the extension is busy and flashing when it is ringing. From the assistant’s telephone, press the PROGRAM key. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “Key Programming” is displayed. Enter an input code (Up to 5 digits).

Press “Confirm”. This is the code dialed by the user.

Enter an output code (Up to 9 digits). This is the code that will be inserted before the telephone number that the user dials. This code can be used to select a specific telephone company. Administrator’s Manual Note: When enabling or disabling the LCR feature, the new setting does not take immediate effect. There can be a delay of up to 1 minute for the setting to take effect.

Note: To program LCR Codes when a T1 or T1 PRI interface card is installed see page 129. Least-Cost Routing Activated Automatically at Set Times You can program the Least-Cost Routing feature to be automatically turned on and off twice during a 24- hour period, enabling you to tailor your call charges through different service providers. Entering Account Codes - Optional Mode Entering the code prior to making a call When Account Codes is programmed, the Feature Phone’s idle menu has the prompt “Enter Account Code” displayed. Select “Enter Account Code”. Enter a four-digit code. Administrator’s Manual PBX MODE The Mitel 3000 can be set, through System Programming, to operate in either PBX or Key System mode. The switch works in Key System mode by default.

When PBX mode is selected, a number of changes are made to the operation of the system. DO-NOT-DISTURB If your extension is set to “Do-Not-Disturb”, anyone trying to call you will receive a busy (engaged) tone. If the person trying to contact you has a Feature Phone, “Do-Not-Disturb Enabled” will appear on its display. “Call Back” and “Reminder Call” are the only incoming ringing that will be accepted when this feature is set. Administrator’s Manual To Unlock Your Extension.

Select “Unlock The Extension”. This display option only appears when the extension is locked. Dial your three-digit lock password. (The default lock password is 123).

Press the speakerphone key to finish programming. From a standard analog phone dial 713 followed by the lock password to unlock your phone. TONE PROTECTION As described on page 74, extensions can present a busy extension with a call waiting tone, provided the busy extension is not protected against receiving call-waiting tones.

By default, all extensions are protected against receiving Call Waiting tones, except extension 20. However, you can program extensions to receive call-waiting tones. A Hookflash signal can be required if you are using certain network services on standard CO lines, or if your Mitel 3000 is connected to another telephone system (PBX) via one of the line interfaces. The Hookflash feature allows you to send a hold signal forward on the line to the CO or PBX.

To send a hold signal, you must be on a call or have dialed at least one digit of the number you are calling. Enter the number to be dialed.

If you wish to dial an external number, enter 9 or another line access code, before the external telephone number, to select a line. Press the speakerphone key to finish programming.

Note: When a Feature Phone is programmed as a hot line, no other features can be invoked after it is programmed. Administrator’s Manual. Select “Name Programming”.

From the extension menu, select the extension you want to name and enter the name as described on page 27. Up to ten characters (including spaces) can be entered for each name. When the name is entered, select “Confirm”. When entering a code, an additional option is given on the display of your Feature Phone. This option is the “Any” key, which, when selected, inserts the symbol “X” into the next character of the code (number) you are entering. The symbol “X” will represent any number (1 to 0).

If your system is equipped with a battery, a message “Battery” is displayed on extension 20 if the system is running on the battery. If you are not aware that the normal power has failed, check that the Mitel 3000 System is correctly plugged in. USING A DOOR PHONE You can equip your Mitel 3000 with an optional Door Phone. The Door Phone has a button which, when pressed, rings at programmed extensions, and has a microphone/speaker for communication. With a Door Phone installed in your reception area, anyone visiting your premises can call when they arrive and you can speak to them before you let them in.

Administrator’s Manual. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “System Programming” is displayed. Select “System Programming”. Enter the System Programming password and select “Extensions”. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “Open Door Restriction” is displayed. CALL LOGGING Your Mitel 3000 system can be connected to a printer or PC, which will maintain a record of incoming and outgoing calls made on the system.

Details are printed as the calls are completed. A buffer is provided to store the last 500 call records. This buffer can be output to the Serial Port as required. Administrator’s Manual.

Select the extensions whose calls are not to be logged. The selected extensions will be indicated with a “♦”. Press the speakerphone key to finish programming. To Set the Call Logging Interface Speed. From the Programming extension, press the PROGRAM key.

OPERATION WITH A PARENT PBX You can connect the Mitel 3000 to a parent PBX via its line interfaces. You can program any of the 11 outgoing groups to work with a parent PBX. When programming the outgoing groups as PBX groups, PBX access digits and the number of digits in a PBX extension number are entered. Administrator’s Manual ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMING OPTIONS SYSTEM LANGUAGE The Text, Voice Module and Courtesy Service prompts can be programmed to be in English, French or Spanish. The default language is English. From the Programming extension, press the PROGRAM key. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “System Programming”.

TO PRESENT LINE NAME (LINE NAME PROGRAMMING) This feature allows a PSTN line to present a name of the line to an extension. When a call is presented to an extension on that line the top line of the display will read 'Call for XXX', where XXX is the name Programmed for that line. Administrator’s Manual TO CONFIGURE DISCONNECTED EXTENSIONS The system assumes that all available extension interfaces have devices connected to them. If an extension interface does not have a device connected, ensure correct system operation by disconnecting the extension interface in System Programming.

Select either “Extension Lock Password”, or “Voice Mail Password”, or “System Voice Box”. If you selected “Extension Lock Password”, the extension menu will appear. Select an extension and its extension lock password will appear on the display. If you selected “Voice Mail Password”, the extension menu will appear. Administrator’s Manual TO PROHIBIT TRUNK-TO-TRUNK CALLS ON AN EXTENSION You can prohibit individual extensions from activating External Forward, External Transfer and External Conference. (These features set up so-called trunk-to-trunk calls). From the Programming extension, press the PROGRAM key.

Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “System Programming”. TO CHANGE RINGING FROM 50 TO 20 HZ This option allows the ringing frequency to be changed from the default 50 Hz to 20 Hz on individual extensions. From the Programming extension, press the PROGRAM key. Select “System Programming”. If no DID number is programmed for that extension then no number will be sent to the network on outgoing ISDN calls. The network will supply the Base number for the access if no number is sent by the Mitel 3000.

FLEXIBLE NUMBERING The extensions numbers, line access digits, and first digit of the feature codes can be changed. Press confirm. If there is a conflict “Invalid” is displayed and another number must be entered.

Repeat this procedure for all required options. Press the speakerphone key to finish programming. Note: The “Misc. Extensions” option covers “Group Numbers” and “Phantom Mailbox Numbers”. Administrator’s Manual. Administrator’s Manual General Rules for Flexible Numbering: If you select “Confirm” without making an entry, the top line of the display changes to entry to be made. If you make an invalid entry “Invalid” shows on the top line of the display.

Enter number length 3-4 -Confirm -Exit. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “DID / DNIS Table” is displayed. Select “DID / DNIS Table”. Select an Index Number (001 - 100).

Enter the DID telephone number. Press “Confirm”. Enter the name to be associated with the number. CO trunk circuit. If this happens, and the caller begins dialing, the call could be placed through the Mitel 3000 System and would then be billed to the system’s owner. The system cannot check this type of call for toll restriction and can not register the call in the call log.

Programming Tone Dialing On standard CO lines on Mitel 3000, the Tone dialing option is programmed. If you program me Tone dialing off then Pulse dialing is set. Note: For this feature to operate, it also needs to be enabled by your network provider. Programming Caller ID Detection On standard CO lines on the Mitel 3000, the “Caller ID Detection” option is programmed.

The system can then detect when Caller ID information is being sent from the network and display the number. Break Supervision This CO type of line should be programmed if your line is supervised.

This means that the exchange will send a signal to the called party if the caller party did not hang up. From the Programming extension, press the PROGRAM key.

Administrator’s Manual Programming System Timers You can set various timers from the programming extension to suit your requirements. From the Programming extension, press the PROGRAM key. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “System Programming” is displayed. Auto Attendant Day The time a call to the auto attendant, when the system is in day mode, will ring before the auto attendant answers the call. System Voice mailbox delay The time a call to the auto attendant, when the system is in night mode, will ring before the auto attendant answers the call.

Administrator’s Manual T1 (RBS) T1/E1 PRI INTERFACE The system can be equipped with a T1/E1 card to provide up to 24 T1 Robbed Bit Signaling (RBS) channels, 23 T1 Primary Rate ISDN (PRI) channels or 30 E1 PRI Channels. The programming and set up options available on the T1/E1 PRI interface are described below.


Select “System Programming”. Enter the System Programming Password and select “Lines”. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “ T1 (RBS) or PRI (ISDN)” is displayed. Select T1 (RBS). Select “Framing”.

Two options are presented “D4 Superframe” or “Extended Superframe”. Administrator’s Manual. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “System Programming” is displayed. Select “System Programming”. Enter the System Programming Password and select “Lines”. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “T1 (RBS) or PRI (ISDN)” is displayed.

Select “E&M”. Select the service type. The list of Start Types is presented. Select the required Start Type. The default is Wink Start.

When DID Service Type is selected three Start Types are available. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “System Programming” is displayed. Select “System Programming”. Enter the System Programming Password and select “Lines”. MITEL 3000 ISDN SWITCH TYPE AT&T 5ESS (Custom) AT&T 5ESS (Custom) NATIONAL ISDN 2 NATIONAL ISDN 2. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “T1 Channels” is displayed.

Select the “PRI (ISDN) ” option. Select the “Line Build Out” option. Select the required option from the display. The default setting is -7.5 dB. Note: This option is presented for both the T1 (RBS) and the T1 PRI programming. Reject individually. (Select SIP only if you have SIP DID lines equipped).

Select “Exit”. Note: This feature is active only when the Mitel 3000 is equipped with VoIP trunks and/or E1 PRI Access. LINE PROGRAMMING CHANGES WHEN A T1/E1 MODULE IS EQUIPPED When a T1 module is equipped the following “Line Programming”. Equipped Lines programming when Trunk Type T1 ISDN is programmed The number of ISDN B-channels available is set in the Equipped Line Programming. In this case lines 1-23 are the B-channels and Lines 24-27 are any CO lines installed, IP Trunks 1, IP trunks 2 are any IP trunks installed.

Administrator’s Manual INCOMING RINGING / AUTO ATTENDANT / COURTESY SERVICE If the interface is programmed as Trunk Type T1 then each programmed T1 line is treated as a separate line and the lines are presented as Line 1 - Line 24. If CO Lines are equipped then they are numbered from Line 25 - 28. If the switch is equipped with a E1 PRI and some CO lines/IP Trunks then “Incoming Ringing” is programmed as follows: -. From the Programming extension, press the PROGRAM key. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “System Programming” is displayed.

Administrator’s Manual INCOMING CALLS ONLY WHEN T1 IS PROGRAMMED If the T1 lines are programmed as E&M, Loop Start or Ground Start then all the lines are shown when “Incoming Calls Only” is selected. From the Programming extension, press the PROGRAM key.

OUTGOING GROUPS Outgoing groups programming when T1 is programmed Individual T1 channels can be programmed into the different line groups. From the Programming extension, press the PROGRAM key. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “System Programming” is displayed.

Administrator’s Manual. Enter an output code (Up to 9 digits).

This is the code that will be inserted before the telephone number that the user dials. This code can be used to select a specific telephone company. Select the preferred or exclusive option. System Voice Mailbox Programming when a PRI is programmed System voice mailbox is programmed as follows:.

From the programming extension, press the PROGRAM key. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “System Programming” is displayed. Select “System Programming”. Press the Scroll Down key ( ) until “CID / ANI Table” is displayed. Select “CID / ANI Table”.

Select an Index Number (001 - 200). Enter the caller telephone number. Press “Confirm”. Enter the name to be associated with the number. DISPLAY OF CALLING / CALLED NUMBERS The Calling number, if available via ANI or Caller ID, is presented on all incoming calls. If a name is associated with the number in the CID/ANI table the name is used.

If there is no name in the CID/ANI table and a name is associated with the number in the system speed dial list then this name is presented. Administrator’s Manual PRESENTATION OF LINES ON THE SYSTEMPHONES Programmed systemphone keys in Key system mode The systemphone keys are programmed with Lines 1-8 in the case of the eight key set and Lines 1-16 in the case of the sixteen key set. If the switch is programmed with a T1 interface pressing Line 1 will select the first T1 line, selecting Line 2 will select the second line etc. PROGRAMMING REFERENCE All extensions have access to a set of options that can be programmed to suit the individual user’s requirements. You access these programming options via the PROGRAM key on the Feature Phone. The following screens show what appears when the PROGRAM key is pressed. The menu options displayed, apart from “System Programming”, can be accessed and programmed from any extension using a eight key setor a sixteen key set.

Administrator’s Manual Accessing System Programming Options System Programming options can also be programmed via a Feature Phone. However, the Feature Phone must be connected to the extension that is programmed as the programming extension.

By default, the Programming extension is extension 20. You access all System Programming options via the PROGRAM key on the Feature Phone connected to the programming extension.

System Settings Options If “System” is selected, the following screens appear: Select Option - Language - Time And Date - Change Password Select Option - Line Key Light - Change Greetings - Call Logging Select Option - Caller ID List - Class Codes - Local Codes Select Option. Administrator’s Manual The following table lists the available System options, with their defaults, if applicable. Feature Language Time and date Change password System Password. Speed Dial Password. Programming position Night Service Automatic on times.

Automatic off times. See page 88.

See page 114. See page r66 See page 103 For more information, please ask Mitel Technical Support For more information, please ask Mitel Technical Support See page 75 See page 35.

Administrator’s Manual Extensions Settings Options without a T1 /E1 PRI module installed If “Extensions” is selected the options available when a T1/E1 PRI Module is not installed are: Select Option - Name Programming - Restriction Classes - Tone Protect Select Option - Sys. The following table lists the available “Extensions” options, with their defaults, if applicable. Feature Name programming Restriction classes Day class-of-service.

Night class-of-service. Tone Protect Page Protection Open Door Restriction Individual Caller ID List Sys. Override Voice Mail Boxes. Administrator’s Manual Lines Settings Options If “Lines” is selected, the following screens appear: Select option - Equipped Lines - Group programming - Incoming ringing Select option - PBX Group - LCR Codes - LCR Timebands If “Lines” is selected and T1/E1 PRI is programmed, the following screens appear: Select option - Equipped Lines - Group programming.

The following table lists the available “Lines” options, with their defaults, if applicable. Feature Default Equipped Lines All Lines equipped Group Programming Groups 1 with first 8.

extensions, groups 2 - 20 with Ring Group. extension 20 only Hunt Group Incoming Ringing Group 1 for all Lines and. Day / Night Service.49 Dedicated Line.84 Delete.36 Dial a Personal.37 Dial Name Directory Programming.58 Dial Tone Detection.114 Digital telephone set Mounting.25 Digital Telephone Sets.23 Directory Programming.58 Directory Service- Dial Name.57 Directory Service- Simple.57 Directory Services.57 Disconnecting Extensions.104. Flexible numbering.108 Forward All.41 Busy.42 Follow Me.42 No Answer.42 Forward a message.63 Forward All Calls.43 Forward on no answer.116 Forward to Voice Mail.41 FORWARDING CALLS.41 FSK (Frequency Shift Key).78 Function Keys.29 Getting started.34 Group forwarding.44 Group Mailboxes.65 Group Programming.48. Administrator’s Manual Reversal on Answer.115 Reversal on Idle.113 Reverse cadence.107 Ring Back.74 Ring Group.46 Ringback time duration.116 Ringing / Message Waiting Light.28 Ringing frequency.107 Ringing tones.31 Safety Regulations.18 Saved Number Redial.73 Scroll Keys.27 Speaker Phone Options.32 Speakerphone Key.28 Swapping Extensions.106 System. Mitel 3000 Administrator's Manual PN LR2736.06200-2. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED TO YOU FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.

The information furnished in this document, believed by Mitel to be accurate as of the date of its publication, is subject to change without notice. Mitel assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document and shall have no obligation to you as a result of having made this document available to you or based upon the information it contains.

ACD AGENT QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE M Mitel (design) is a registered trademark of Mitel Networks Corporation. © 2009, Mitel Networks Corporation. All other products and services are the trademarks of their respective holders. All rights reserved. Mitel 5010 IP, 5212, 5215, 5312 IP Phones This card describes the basic features available to Agent phones with standard programming.

Your phone may be programmed in a different way. Consult your system administrator if you need further information. Supervisor Override The supervisor can monitor your ACD calls and join in if necessary. A warning tone sounds before the override starts, and then repeats at regular intervals until the supervisor hangs up. For More Information For additional information on using your phone, download the user guide from the Mitel Networks Documentation (eDocs) website - index.html Login/Logout To log in as a Traditional ACD Agent. Press the Agent Login key or dial (ACD Agent Login Code). Enter your Agent ID and press #.

To log in as a Hot Desk ACD Agent or Hot Desk ACD Express Agent:. Press the Agent Login key or dial (ACD Agent Login Code). Enter your Agent ID. Enter your User PIN and press #. To log out of your ACD group:.

Press the Agent Logout key or dial (ACD Agent Logout Code). Press CANCEL. Answering Calls Auto Answer Auto Answer alerts you to a call by sounding a brief tone and automatically connecting you to the caller. To end the call, press CANCEL. To enable or disable Auto Answer:. Press the AUTO ANSWER key.

The key lights when the feature is enabled. Headset Operation Your administrator may have enabled full- time headset operation on your phone. Such phones cannot be operated with a handset. A headset can be used in regular answer mode or with Auto Answer.

Never leave your phone unattended while Auto Answer is on. Handling calls with a headset (no feature control switch) To answer a call (Auto Answer off):. Press the flashing Line key. To hang up.

Press the Hang Up softkey or CANCEL. Handling calls with a headset (with feature control switch) To answer a call (Auto Answer off):. Press the flashing Line key -Or- Quickly press and release the Control Switch. To mute the headset microphone:.

Press and hold the Control Switch. To hang up. Quickly press and release the Control Switch -Or- Press CANCEL. Enabling or Disabling Headset Operation (on phones not programmed for full-time headset operation). Press the HEADSET key -Or- Connect or disconnect the headset at the quick-disconnect plug.

(Headset with feature control switch only.) Making Calls Internal Calls. Dial the number manually -Or- Press a Speed Call key. External Calls. Dial the outside line access code (usually “9”) You hear dial tone.

Dial the number manually -Or- Press a Speed Call key or REDIAL. After Work Timer After ending a call, you will be allowed a certain amount of time to complete the work generated by the call before another one is presented. You have the option of canceling the timer and accepting another call before the timer expires. To cancel the After Work Timer:. Press CANCEL.

NOTE: Making a call or answering another non-ACD call automatically cancels the timer. Be prepared to answer another ACD call when you hang up. Make Busy This feature makes your phone unavailable for ACD calls without logging out. Use it for coffee or lunch breaks, or if you need more time to handle paperwork between calls.

Mitel 3300 IP Communications Platform.